Monday, September 19, 2011
How to know whats the source of coolant leak?
had a leak a few weeks ago with my coolant- mechanic replaced the water pump but it is still leaking pretty much the same- he now wants to change the thermostat but how do i know its this and not a problem with the gasket or something else serious? all answers greatly appreciated!How to know whats the source of coolant leak?you need to choose a decent garage and ask them to pressurise your cooling system to locate the leak which should have been done in the first place if the leak isn`t obvious.How to know whats the source of coolant leak?You should be able to SEE where a part is leaking. The water pump is easy to see and determine if its shaft bearings were bad. Same with the thermostat, its an internal part, why in the heck would he want to change that? The housing gasket can be observed to see if its leaking. If you have absolutely no outward signs of a leak then you have a more serious problem as 99% of the time it represents a bad head gasket.How to know whats the source of coolant leak?you could get some uv coolant dye and put it in the radiator and then a leak would light up under a black light.How to know whats the source of coolant leak?Change mechanic for starters. If he wasn't convinced it was the water pump he should not have replaced it. If it's just a run about that you don't intend keeping long term buy a bottle of radiator sealant, buy a decent one, around 12-15. Otherwise you will have to try a new garage in my opinion.How to know whats the source of coolant leak?steam clean the engine and if and when it starts to leak again you will be able to tell where it,s coming from. or lay a big sheet of card board down at night and check it the next morning.listview bug Duvet cover designers research