Thursday, June 2, 2011

How to change a thermostat on a 1993 Nissan Quest Van?

Follow the hose from the top of the radiator to the engine block. It will go into a housing attached to the block...should be heald on with 3 bolts. Remove all 3 bolts, lift up housing, pull out old thermostat, replace thermostat and gasket.

When finished, flush the cooling system to remove junk so you wont be replacing another one.

good luck, hope this helps.How to change a thermostat on a 1993 Nissan Quest Van?the actual question is my quest heater is not getting hot? or my van over heats do you think I need to replace the theromstat? Yes however the water bypass C shaped hose between the CYl heads in the middle of the timing cover and long top radatior hose need to be removed. You will need a thermostat silicone sealant 12mm universal socket several extentsions patience and those hoses mentioned before. Wire brush on a grinder is especally useful grinding off corrosion and gasket material from the thermostat housing. Don't forget to shine a flash light thru the radatior core see if it is plugged up with cottonwood seeds or chaffe. Sometime just washing the junk out cools off a van. sometime you will be replacing the entire cooling system water pump timing belt and all. Good luck 1993 is 15 years old.How to change a thermostat on a 1993 Nissan Quest Van?DAVE GO TO AUTO ZONE OR ANY PARTS HOUSE AND SPEND 20$ ON A CHILTON'S BOOK PUT IT IN THE BATHROOM AND WHEN YOU HAVE THE NEED TO READ IT WILL BE THERE.GOOD LUCK