Thursday, September 22, 2011

Having trouble with my 2001 Pontiac Montana.?

My van has been overheating. I added coolant and water. The mixture is fine. I have tested it. The heat also is not getting warm all the time. It will be cold, the temp gauge will go up past 3/4. I'm assuming the thermostat will open, the temp goes down to about 1/2 and then the heat will get warm for only a few minutes. The temp goes up again pretty quickly, the heat goes cold. I have noticed there is alot of browning grainy residue in the radiator. Could this be bad? Could the thermostat be not working properly? If i do need to change the thermostat, how in the world do you get to it? Any help is appreciated!Having trouble with my 2001 Pontiac Montana.?I have had the exact same symptoms with 2 GM cars. Same engine as your Montana. Dollars to doughnuts you have a bad intake manifold gasket. This is really common and a class action suit has been pending.Having trouble with my 2001 Pontiac Montana.?The residue is a sign that either the coolant has never been changed and needs changing asap or the rad is going on it and I suspect it's the rad.What you could do is flush out the rad or change the coolant but be sure to clean the system by running lots of water through it before adding new anti-freeze.If you notice that the same type of residue is building up you know the rad is more then likely shot.

Really your best bet is to have a rad shop check the system have then run a test on the system or change the rad , flush the system and see how it is then.Whatever you decide at least flush the system asap bec it needs it.Check all your other fluid levels especially the transmission fluid and oil bec if the transmission or oil fluids have residue it means you've major problems.

Hope that helps and best of luck.By the way the top rad hose is usually where you'll find the thermostat but in some vehicles it's not true.Be sure you just don't use straight water when you mix or top off the coolant bec really you need distilled water.I think it be a great idea for you to buy a service manual like a Haynes manual from walmart etc.Also flush kits are expensive but honestly if I knew the system had such residue I'd checking all the fluids , the rad etc and be flushing it asap.Having trouble with my 2001 Pontiac Montana.?It could the thermostat but if the level in the rad dropped to low air can be drawn in the cooling system and become trapped and cause overheating.the eng sets higher than the radiator so that means you have to bleed it at the engine.there is a bleeder screw located at the black pipe where heater bypass hose connects near water pump.also the thermostat is very difficult to get to .The exhaust crossover pipe is in the way so removing it might be your easiest way