now mark each wire with the letter of the terminal it came off or out off yes can change them put on my RHEEM inside where the circuit board is there was a blue wire just laying there I took the wire that was not hook to anything and wire nutted it to piece of thermostat wire that was not being used you can add on to the wire if you need to now place the wire in the B terninal and then place The RED in the R or RH terminal white on W Yellow on Y Green on G and then turn your power back on and it should work. I changed mine out myself. If you do not have a b terminal I do not know I tried to put in a carrier thermostat without a B terminal never did get it to work . I tried sorry if I could not help
Thursday, September 22, 2011
Change from 4-wire A/C thermostat to 5-wire thermostat..How?
I want to change out a Payne 4-wire R,G,W,Blue (to Y) to a Totaline P286-11200 programable thermostat which uses 5-wires: Common (blue) to C, 24v (red) to RH, Heat (white) to W2, Fan (green) to G, and AC (yellow) to Y1. Can a jumper be used, if so, where, or do I need to run a new 5-wire cable? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.Change from 4-wire A/C thermostat to 5-wire thermostat..How?I changed over to a 5 wire of Course I have a RHEEM Gas Electric package unit
now mark each wire with the letter of the terminal it came off or out off yes can change them put on my RHEEM inside where the circuit board is there was a blue wire just laying there I took the wire that was not hook to anything and wire nutted it to piece of thermostat wire that was not being used you can add on to the wire if you need to now place the wire in the B terninal and then place The RED in the R or RH terminal white on W Yellow on Y Green on G and then turn your power back on and it should work. I changed mine out myself. If you do not have a b terminal I do not know I tried to put in a carrier thermostat without a B terminal never did get it to work . I tried sorry if I could not helphoping for some advice shampoo for colored hair
now mark each wire with the letter of the terminal it came off or out off yes can change them put on my RHEEM inside where the circuit board is there was a blue wire just laying there I took the wire that was not hook to anything and wire nutted it to piece of thermostat wire that was not being used you can add on to the wire if you need to now place the wire in the B terninal and then place The RED in the R or RH terminal white on W Yellow on Y Green on G and then turn your power back on and it should work. I changed mine out myself. If you do not have a b terminal I do not know I tried to put in a carrier thermostat without a B terminal never did get it to work . I tried sorry if I could not help